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OptionPower 8.1  (NOTE:  Be sure to install the version of 8.1 that matches your installed version of PowerPoint.  Make sure to correctly chose the 64 or 32 bit install.  If you are not sure what bit version of PowerPoint you have installed, please click here for instructions on how to check. Also note that OptionPower Version 8.1 does  NOT support G2 or 5 button Micro keypads or other hardware manufactured prior to 2010.)
OptionPower 8.1
OptionPower 8.0
OptionPower 7.1
 OptionPower 7.0
OptionPower Group Competition Module 

You can find downloads for older software versions here


Daniel Bohannon - g4-facing-front.png

“You are a life saver half way around the world.” Jim R., Phd., Government Policy Researcher